It’s telling you assume so much about me. Not that I need to prove anything to you, but I’ve lived in the Ozarks most of my life, the majority of the time on unpaved roads, in homes including tents and busses, with no running water or electricity. So you can blow your condescending assumptions out whatever orifice you enjoy least.
Ayn Rand was literally inspired by the psychopath killer William Hickman. Her “philosophy” consists of nothing more than celebrating selfishness and greed. The only places that follow her ideology have no functioning society, where people live and die at the whims of violent warlords. You can’t have a “free market” without roads, electricity, running water and waste treatment. Or schools, or mail service, or any of the other “socialist" programs this country was built on.
You want to live in a tent and shit in an outhouse? Go for it. But we live in one of the richest countries on the planet. Guaranteeing the basics of civilization to everyone shouldn’t be controversial. But regressive attitudes like yours are why we are rapidly becoming a third world country.