Thank you for this! I’m 47 — solidly Gen X — and grew up in a society that didn’t exactly give us very good role models for being middle-aged. Women over 40 were thought of/portrayed as/expected to be basically elderly, frumpy grey-haired eunichs who either devote themselves to their grandkids or their cats.
I’m thankful for the many older women friends I’ve had to show me there’s a better way. Some of them were hippies who never bought into society’s ideas of what women should be. Some of them were even older than that, grown more independent and radical with age. Most of them were Witches, the most radical of women.
Now I’m the radical “old lady” in my circles, and I hope my example is helping younger women see that they have the power to live their own lives in their own ways. I’m happily single; while I do miss sex, I’m not willing to put up with any of the usual crap that comes with hetero relationships.
If you’re looking for folks to interview, I volunteer! (Do you have an online survey?) Either way I’m looking forward to your book!