The question should be, how did we get here? I submit it was a gradual process, done in stages.
Stage 1: The poisoning of one of our two political parties with the sociopathic ideology of Ayn Rand — one that states there is no “society,” and that greed and self-interest are the highest and only virtues. That altruism or compassion were weak and to be destroyed. (Before you accuse me of hyperbole, Rand open admitted she was inspired by a sociopathic serial killer.)
Stage 2: The creation of a hyper-partisan, right-wing propaganda medium (Fox) that spread Rand’s ideology and undermined the opposition party by labeling them as everything from baby-killers to traitors. Run 24/7. Add in numerous local talk radio shows (and later, websites and YouTube channels) parroting the same line, and you have a very effective, self-reinforcing propaganda ecosystem.
Stage 3: Using any means necessary, put Republicans in power at every level of government, from school boards to the presidency. Use that power to undermine government — especially education, which would give people the critical thinking skills needed to resist the right-wing propaganda. Repeal the Fairness Doctrine so that right-wing propaganda can broadcast without any challenges. Hand ever more wealth and power to the top 1%, leaving working people ever more desperate and angry.
Stage 4: Delegitimize the free press. Allow “market forces” to hollow out newsrooms and shutter local journalism. Without this competition, your propaganda organs can now pump out whatever “truth” is most politically useful without any challenges.
Stage 5: Follow the classic dictator playbook and use your propaganda machine to blame approved scapegoats for the workers’ troubles. Whip up anger against those scapegoats. Dehumanize them. Stoke stochastic violence.
Stage 6: Use said violence as an excuse to impose ever harsher laws, crackdowns on civil liberties (for *some* groups), and consolidation of power. Sell off all public assets to your cronies. Auction off all government appointments to the highest bidder. Use your unchecked power to shield cronies from legal consequences, while simultaneously bringing the full weight of law enforcement down on scapegoats and political opponents.
Stage 7: Full banana republic achieved.